Solo Stove is a leading brand of outdoor cooking and heating products. Founded in 2010, the company has quickly become a leader in the outdoor cooking and heating industry. Their products are designed to be lightweight, efficient, and easy to use. Solo Stove offers a wide range of products, including wood burning stoves, fire pits, grills, and accessories. Their products are designed to be used in a variety of outdoor settings, from camping and backpacking to backyard barbecues and beach bonfires. Solo Stove products are made from high-quality materials and are designed to last for years. They are also committed to sustainability, using renewable resources and minimizing their environmental impact.
Le Solo Stove© Lite est un poêle à bois compact et léger qui offre une combustion efficace et une chaleur intense. Il est conçu pour être facile à transporter, idéal pour les aventures en plein air. Il est doté d'un système de double combustion qui permet une combustion plus complète et plus efficace, ce qui permet de produire plus de chaleur et de...
Le Ranger 2.0 de Solo Stove est un foyer dimensionné pour chaque aventure. Allumez facilement un feu sans fumée partout où la vie vous mène.