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Direct Action Dragon Egg® is 25-liter capacity backpack for either short patrol duties or EDC use.
Open top rifle magazine pouch, designed for speed reloads but with secure magazine carry at the same time. The special internal material, combined with a limited-size top opening and tension-adjusting elastic cord, prevents the magazine from falling out if it gets snagged.
Made of PEVA, it is approved for food contact, IPX8 pouches 100% airtight and watertight.With an internal dimension of 10cm x 17cm, it is perfect to protect your smartphone.
Azimuth (n): the horizontal angle or direction of a compass bearing On any bearing, the Azimuth’s unique design, light weight, versatility, and packability make it a formidable companion to your regular kit. Designed to stow away on all your adventures, the Azimuth is built to function as a quick reaction accessory when you need to expand your carry...